Land area calculation in Nepal
The most popular units of land measurement in Nepal are Aana, Kattha, Bigha, Ropani, Dhur etc. In the cities Terai belt of Nepal like Butwal, Bhairahawa, Nepaljung, Biratnagar etc haat, kattha, bigha etc units are much popular while in Kathmandu valley Aana, Ropani and square foot land measurement sare in much use.
Below are some of the most used and searched conversion rates of different land measurement units of Nepal.
Malpot Land Rate and Price by Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur Land Revenue Offices for 2079-2080
Measurement of area in terms of Ropani
Area: Ropani---> Anna--- > Paisa--- > Dam
508.74 sq m = 1 ropani = 16 anna = 5476 sq. ft.
31.79 sq m = 1 anna = 4 paisa = 342.25 sq. ft.
7.94 sq m = 1 paisa = 4 dam = 85.56 sq. ft.
Measurement of area in terms of Bigha
Area: Bigha---- > Katha---- > Paisa---- > Dam
6772.41 sq m = 1 Bigha = 20 Katha = 72900 sq. ft.
338.62 sq m = 1 Katha = 20 paisa = 3645 sq. ft.
16.9 sq m = 1 Paisa = = 182.25 sq. ft.
Below are some of the most used and search conversion rates of different land measurement units of Nepal:
1 Bigha = 20 Kattha
1 Bigha = 6772.63 m2
1 Bigha =72900 sq. ft.
1 Bigha =13.31 Ropani
1 Kattha = 20 Dhur
1 Kattha = 338.63 m2
1 Kattha = 3645 sq. ft.
1 Dhur = 16.93 m2
1 Dhur = 182.25 sq. ft.
1 Ropani = 16 aana
1 Ropani = 64 Paisa
1 Ropani = 508.72 m2
1 Ropani = 5476 sq. ft.
1 Ropani = 256 Daam
1 Ropani = 4 Matomuri
1 Khetmuri= 25 Ropani
1 aana = 4 Paisa
1 aana = 31.80 m2
1 aana = 342.25 sq. ft.
1 aana = 16 Daam
1 Paisa = 4 Daam
1 Paisa = 7.95 m2
1 Paisa = 85.56 sq. ft.
1 Daam =1.99 m2
1 Daam = 21.39 sq. ft.
1 Haath= 1.5 ft
click [ HERE ] for ROPANI-Anna to sq. ft and Sq.ft to ROPANI-Aana converter
Housing Colony Projects in Kathmandu Area
The most popular units of land measurement in Nepal are Aana, Kattha, Bigha, Ropani, Dhur etc. In the cities Terai belt of Nepal like Butwal, Bhairahawa, Nepaljung, Biratnagar etc haat, kattha, bigha etc units are much popular while in Kathmandu valley Aana, Ropani and square foot land measurement sare in much use.
Below are some of the most used and searched conversion rates of different land measurement units of Nepal.
Malpot Land Rate and Price by Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur Land Revenue Offices for 2079-2080
Measurement of area in terms of Ropani
Area: Ropani---> Anna--- > Paisa--- > Dam
508.74 sq m = 1 ropani = 16 anna = 5476 sq. ft.
31.79 sq m = 1 anna = 4 paisa = 342.25 sq. ft.
7.94 sq m = 1 paisa = 4 dam = 85.56 sq. ft.
Measurement of area in terms of Bigha
Area: Bigha---- > Katha---- > Paisa---- > Dam
6772.41 sq m = 1 Bigha = 20 Katha = 72900 sq. ft.
338.62 sq m = 1 Katha = 20 paisa = 3645 sq. ft.
16.9 sq m = 1 Paisa = = 182.25 sq. ft.
Below are some of the most used and search conversion rates of different land measurement units of Nepal:
1 Bigha = 20 Kattha
1 Bigha = 6772.63 m2
1 Bigha =72900 sq. ft.
1 Bigha =13.31 Ropani
1 Kattha = 20 Dhur
1 Kattha = 338.63 m2
1 Kattha = 3645 sq. ft.
1 Dhur = 16.93 m2
1 Dhur = 182.25 sq. ft.
1 Ropani = 16 aana
1 Ropani = 64 Paisa
1 Ropani = 508.72 m2
1 Ropani = 5476 sq. ft.
1 Ropani = 256 Daam
1 Ropani = 4 Matomuri
1 Khetmuri= 25 Ropani
1 aana = 4 Paisa
1 aana = 31.80 m2
1 aana = 342.25 sq. ft.
1 aana = 16 Daam
1 Paisa = 4 Daam
1 Paisa = 7.95 m2
1 Paisa = 85.56 sq. ft.
1 Daam =1.99 m2
1 Daam = 21.39 sq. ft.
1 Haath= 1.5 ft
click [ HERE ] for ROPANI-Anna to sq. ft and Sq.ft to ROPANI-Aana converter
Housing Colony Projects in Kathmandu Area