काठमाडौंको मुटु सोल्टिमोडमा सुबिधा सम्पन्न Apartment आकर्षक मुल्यमा बिकृमा छ !!!!!!!!
बडा दशै तथा शुभ दिपावलिको उपलक्ष्यमा Fully Furnished Apartment non Furnished Rate मा धमाधम बिक्री भइ रहेको छ । । ।
(offer Valid until TIhar)
👉Main रोड बाट जम्मा 80 मिटर मात्र भित्र
👉Swimming Pool, Kids Playing Area, Gymnasium, Enough Parking,
👉Sauna, Spa, Garden, Hindu Temple & 24 Hour Security
Dasain Offer:
Fully Furnished Flat in Non Furnished Price
For More Details
Soltee City, Ravibhawan, Kathmandu
Phone: 01-5234587,98600664707, 9851196775, 9818362818

Mero City Apartment ( Ready To Move in )

बडा दशै र तिहार 2076 को पावन उपाध्यक्षमा Karyabinayak Homes Colony को घर खरिद गर्ने पहिलो 5 जनालाई Bumper Discount.
�Fully furnished living area
�Modular kitchen with dinning hall
�Luxurious bedroom, Children room & Guest Room
�हरेक दिन घर का हरेक कुन कुनम घाम लग्ने
�८ लेन रिङ् रोड बाट जम्मा 3.5 k.m मात्र भित्र भएको
�24 hour Security & Many more Facilities
Furnished & Non Furnished घरहरु
आज नै ग्रिह प्रबेश गर्न मिल्ने गरी धमाधम बिक्रीमा छ
Karyabinayak Homes �
� 01-5173126, 9868374805, 9808380530
Mount View Developers Pvt. Ltd.

Pokhara Residency
Dasain Offer: 5% Special Discount
Under this DASHAIN TIHAR "GHAR FULL OFFER", Civil Homes will be offering FULLY FURNISHED HOMES for Customers who will be booking Phase VII – Sitapaila and Phase IX – Godavari Projects. This offer is valid til Kartik End. There is special discount offers too on this projects.