1 Ropani Land for Sale at Kamalakshi, Jyatha, Kathmandu
On the way to Jyatha from Kamalakshi to Aasan road without reaching the bicycle shop, 1 ropani of land facing east within 60 meters on the way to Jyatha is for sale. In that place, when you go from Kamalakshi to Jyatha, you see only one vacant land. The face of this land is about 100 feet. There is also a small temple on this land, which is arranged to be moved to the side. There is a plan to build a huge shopping complex on this land, for special reasons this land is for sale. The value of this commercial land has been fixed at Rs 10 million per anna.
Price: Rs 10,000,000/- per aana
Land Area: 1 Ropani
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